#11 - Kelionės ir Gyvenimas Užsienyje: Travel and Living Abroad

Dear Lithuanian with Paulius listeners,

Today I'd like to present to you a short episode about my life in Hong Kong and Madeira. In this episode, you will learn vocabulary relating to travel and living abroad.

This episode is aimed at Lithuanian students with a fluency level approximating A2.

I suggest turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian titles into your native language.

Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon. There you will find all the podcast's transcripts, longer format Lithuanian with Paulius recordings and more.

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If you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! Cheers.


#12 - Kas yra Lietuviai? - Who are the Lithuanians?


#10 - Hobiai, Pomėgiai ir Laisvalaikis: Hobbies and Leisure - Learn Lithuanian via Listening